Saturday, June 3, 2023

Microbial stability of food during handling, storage and transportation


Microbial stability of food during handling:

First of all, microbial growth is the main factor that effect the food. We should control it using different techniques. During handling, there are many external factors that effects the food such as processing, behavior of staff and environment of room. This factors promote the growth of microorganisms and deteriorate the food. So we can control it by maintain room environment that are suitable for different products. Use proper techniques to process the food and control the microbial growth such as sterilization, pasteurization etc. Use good sanitation systems, staff should wear gloves and wash hands after every processing and sterilize all the equipment that used in processing and handling. Maintain the environment by maintaining temperature and hygiene. Prevent from cross contamination.

Microbial stability of food during transportation:

During transportation, there are some factors that affect the food such as improper holding practices, security, temperature control, loading and unloading practices and inspection. So maintain the temperature that is main factor for growth of microorganisms. When temperature is high, more bacterial growth will occur by which respiration will increase that spoil the food. Maintain time and temperature for transportation. During loading and unloading, food may be damage that can cause contamination. Do proper loading and unloading practices. Do pre-cooling before transporting the food for better quality. Control the humidity level, maintain conditions of atmosphere and proper packaging that bear some load.

Microbial stability of food during storage:

During storage, microbial growth will occur due to temperature difference. When there is a high temperature difference from storage to room temperature, drip losses occur which release the water from food that cause bacterial growth. Drip losses reduce water holding capacity and pH of food. So maintain the temperature of storage area and maintain moisture level. Moisture content also cause contamination that is prevent by drying before storage. Do proper packaging that bear moisture content and other contaminations such as microbial attacks. Maintain external and internal temperature of storage area. Prevent the storage area by stop the entry of any microbial attacks and moisture.


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