Friday, June 2, 2023

Flavor of fats and oil, oxidation, rancidity and give recommendations


The fats and oils impart flavor and off-flavor in food. Different fats and oils have different composition by which flavor is vary with composition. There are some factors that affect the flavor of fats and oils such as storage conditions, temperature, oxygen, light, air, composition of free fatty acids etc. Rancidity and oxidation is the characteristics of off-flavors. Flavor is produced during frying of oil. Flavor depend on oxidative stability of oil. Degree of saturation and unsaturation tells about the composition of fatty acids that affect the flavor during chemical reactions. Volatile compounds that are produced during frying of oil cause off-flavor. The primary and secondary oxidation occurs in which initiation, propagation and termination are done with the production of volatile compounds in secondary oxidation products cause off-flavor. Composition of fatty acids such as high level of oleic acid and low level of linoleic and linolenic acid gives best quality oil and good flavor. The flavor derived from fats and oils are change during chemical reaction between food materials and oil. There are two types of rancidity, oxidative in the presence of oxygen and hydrolytic in the presence of water and enzymes, which cause off-flavor in fats and oils. More off-flavor occur in oxidative rancidity than in hydrolytic. Polar compounds also affect the flavor of oil. There are less production of volatile compounds in saturated fatty acids as compared to unsaturated fatty acids. Flavor is affected by the exchange, absorb and interact the lipids with food materials. There are several impacts on health of oxidative and rancid oil. Antioxidants are add that stop autoxidation and prevent from rancidity that gives better flavor.


Fats and oils impart flavor on food commodities when they are hydrolyzed or oxidize and polarize with them. Different varieties provide significant flavor after frying and storage. They become rancid or give off flavor when exposed to air and heat under undesirable conditions. The extrinsic and intrinsic factors contributes a greater role in establishing flavor to that particular product. Intrinsic are those which provides the chemical and physical characteristics whereas extrinsic are generally termed to be the storage and environmental conditions. Both factors widely effect on the flavoring compounds. Chemically it depends on the degree of saturation and unsaturation that determine the stability, melting point and firmness. Temperature and relative humidity are environmental factors that enable to make optimum storage conditions for the product.

Main body:

Generally, fats and oils are used for frying and cooking purposes and they are oxidize and hydrolyzed due to the presence of free fatty acids and other constituents in them. These fatty acids when react with the oxygen, light (photo oxidation) and air produces flavoring compounds which are nasty in odor and discolored in appearance. Some countries such as European, African and some Asian countries desire to have the buttery and nutty flavors in their foods (Pokorný, 2001). Oil seeds contains lipoxygenases, which become rancid if they are stored for longer period. The refined oils similar to that of olive oil or virgin oils composed of volatile oxides that causes herbal and walnut flavor, herbal onto the olive oil and walnut upon sunflower oil. Their flavoring compounds can variate by the help of antioxidants (Pokorný, 2001). According to USDA’s food, data different oils and fats have the property to indulge flavor to the product when it is being used for cooking or manufacturing.

Examples are avocado oil which makes the bland and mild flavor, coconut oil also provides the coconutty taste when it used and it is generally 92 percent saturated fat with the stability of oxidation so there are less chances of generating off flavor compounds and taste, goose fat is specifically used in the roasted products as it is not commonly available easily. Lard either it is wet or dry add up the flavor. The dry lard gives caramelized flavor and wet lard provides neutral flavor. Peanut oil has nutty flavor when it is in the form of unrefined state. Red palm has the property to make the color of orange tinge but due to its compositional benefit it is also used to make a unique flavor. The extra virgin oil delivers the strong olive flavor, commonly used for spiciness products. Sesame oil can add up significant flavor, they provide sharp and nutty flavor depending upon the nature that either it is in concentrated form or diluted which is being used in cooking several dishes. Tallow fat also used to impart flavor on specific beef products such that ribeye and steaks (Joseph, 2018). These fats and oils are generally used in the process of cooking and frying that totally depends on the oxidative stability when they are subjected to the heat or aeration medium. The flavoring compounds such as aldehyde, ketone, organic acids transmit flavor due to the interaction with the environmental conditions. If these compounds are not in the stable form, they produce secondary metabolites, which gives rancidity that is undesirable for the acceptance (ENDO, 1999). Demonstration is related to the nature of the product that is being prepared, not all the oils are used in preparation of every product they are specifically used in manufacturing process for the attainment of high-quality product that is flavorful, tasty, and pleasant in odor.

Lipid oxidation:

Lipid oxidation is typically generated when the omega 3 fatty acids is high and the level of prooxidants is in the large amount which not only deteriorate the quality but also produce toxicity to that product, considered to build health risk factors. The biological lipids are utilized at the process of refining and extraction; they are LDLP, which are then after processing used for long storage. Regarding to the human perception different complexes of antioxidant whether they are dietary or enzyme antioxidant or are metal binding proteins inhibit the dietary lipid oxidative products. Somehow, there are several circumstances, which bring the biological problems i.e. cancer or heart diseases (Vieira, 2017). The rancid flavor is caused by the melanoidins, which brings free radicals. The other reason for it is the co oxidation of proteins and vitamins that are needed as the nutritional component. The carbonyl components also relate to the distribution of making off flavor compounds and rancidity. The general purpose is to eradicate the potential sources that brings the flavor changes to the products by heat treatment or through the presence of oxygen (Schaich, 2016).

Flavor derived from fats:

The flavor changes in olive oil, lard and beef fat depend on their oxidation state. The off-flavors are caused by chemical changes that occur during chemical reactions. The flavor is changed, when different constituents are added with in fats. The factors such as cooking, manufacture method and enzymatic actions are influenced by the reactions of milkfat. Flavor depend on aroma and taste. During churning, the butter flavor is stronger than after few days in storage. This occur due the chemicals reactions between flavor compounds or materials of butter (Gordon & Urbach, 1994).

Flavor derived from oils:

The flavor is more affect during deep-frying which influences the oxidation. Different oils have different oxidation characteristics with different flavor characteristics. The composition of fatty acids in frying oils determine the amount of volatile compounds that are produced during frying. The linoleic acid contributes the most flavor to fried products as compared to linolenic acid and oleic acid. In addition to saturated fatty acids, do not contribute as much as for the formation of volatile compounds in oil. The composition of fatty acid affect the flavor but there are some other factors that affect the flavor produced in fried products and frying oil such as when lipids are exchanged between frying oil and food materials, when the oxidized products of frying oil are interact with the constituents of food materials and when polar products are absorbed in frying oil from food materials (Suwono, 1996).

Flavor derived from fatty acid composition:

The composition of fatty acids cause flavor and off-flavor in oil. The flavor stability are measured by the oxidative stability depend on the amount of volatile compounds. Polar compounds in frying oil determine the stability of oil. The oil with low level of linoleic acid impart good flavor. The oxidative stability of oil is improved by decreasing the level of polar compounds and some other compounds such as pentanal and hexanal. The increasing amount of oleic acid is directed related to oxidative stability, volatile compounds and polar compounds. More the oleic acid and less the linoleic acid gives the best flavor quality oil. More the oleic acid and less the linolenic acid in canola oil have good flavor quality and oxidative stability (Glynn, Orr, & Warner, 1997).

Rancidity and oxidation of fats and oils:

Oxidation of fats and oils cause off-flavors that are caused by reaction of fats and oils in the presence of oxygen. Rancidity is caused by off-flavor. When oil react with oxygen, it called oxidative rancidity and when the enzymes and moisture are react in oil called hydrolytic rancidity. Oxidation occur due to the presence of unsaturated fatty acids. Off-flavors are detect early in oxidative rancidity as compared to hydrolytic rancidity.

Primary and secondary oxidation:

There are three steps by which flavor is affected. Alkyl radical is formed by the reaction of light with oxygen that produce peroxy free radical. Alkyl free radical and fat hydro peroxide are formed by the reaction of freely unsaturated acids with peroxy free radicals. By this, the product give off-flavor. The reaction will continue until the depletion of oxygen. These are the three steps such as initiation, propagation and termination. Antioxidants can stop the autoxidation because they act as free radicals scavengers. During secondary oxidation, volatile compounds such as ketones, alcohols etc. cause off-flavor in fats and oils.  There are some factors that affect the oxidative stability of oil that impact on flavor such as composition of fatty acids, temperature, light, oxygen (Warner & Eskin, 1995).


As we briefly discussed above about the flavor of fats and oils. So we conclude that the flavor of fats and oils depend on different factors, vary with different compositions and give different flavor according to their oxidative stability. Prevent from oxidation and rancidity by antioxidants. Degree of saturation is directly related to firmness, stability and melting point. Degree of unsaturation is inversely related to firmness, stability and melting point. The flavor is affected by internal and external factors based on chemically, enzymatically, storage and environmental conditions. Flavor is developed during frying and cooking of fat and oil. Off-flavor depends on the rancidity, oxidation and volatile compounds that depend on free fatty acids compositions and some other factors.


  • ·      Use antioxidants that prevent from oxidation
  • ·      Provide proper storage conditions
  • ·      Prevent from light and air
  • ·      Take oil with good fatty acid composition
  • ·      Proper frying
  • ·      Use unsaturated fats and oils for better health
  • ·      Prevent from rancidity by adding antioxidants

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