Thursday, June 22, 2023

Market trends of composite flour

                                         Market trends of composite flour

Now a days with increasing population there is a rapid increase in the demand of food, living and dwelling styles of people. Moreover, more development and advancement in the field of science and technology has introduced a crave towards nutritious food. Thus, with the increased income and enhanced buying capacity of people have shifted towards processed and baked foods. More ready to eat and convenience products are available. To more the nutritional profile of flour people is shifting towards other alternatives to improve their diets. Use of mixed flours for one type of preparation of different baked products is increasing all over the world. This flour is called composite flour. However, this concept of composite technology was initiated by FAO (1964) which aimed to encourage the use of different crops such as yam, maize, and others in partial substitution of wheat flour which reduces or even eliminates the import of wheat that in turn helps to feed more people.

However, composite flour is considered advantageous in developing countries as it reduces the importation of wheat flour and encourages the use of locally grown crops as flour. Local raw materials substitution for wheat flour is increasing due to the growing market for confectioneries and baking. Thus, several developing countries have encouraged the initiation of different ways to evaluate the feasibility of alternative locally available flours as a substitute for wheat flour.

Market Importance of Composite Flour:

Composite flour has a great market importance. This flour at the same time has an advantage to save foreign swap, thus raising local agriculture and agribusiness. Composite flours are beneficial for developing countries.

Scientific research aims to boost composite flour use and increase wheat flour and bread consumption. Different countries' quality and food safety requirements should produce a new standard for composite flour. After that composite flour will be in high demand as a premium, affordable, healthy product. It can evolve market items, thus helps in boosting the agricultural economy of the country.

Composite flour has different advantages that’s why market trend is shifting towards it:

v Advantages of composite flours:

Incorporation of other cereal/ pulse flour in the base flour i.e., wheat has received many appreciations in respect of quality, acceptability and economically from the more health-conscious generations:     

  • Blending traditional wheat flour with other cereal flours which is inexpensive supports the baker economically as well as it becomes nutritionally rich
  • · Wheat is nutritionally deficient in essential amino acids i.e., lysine and threonine and pulse flours are good source of these amino acids
  • ·     Using of composite flour as advantageous to the developing countries, if they have adequate technologies using these blends could lead to improved utilization of different cereal crops
  • ·      It will improve the nutritional status of the people
  • ·      Helping those suffering from degenerative diseases, especially those associated with changing lifestyles and environment

Trend in Global Market:

Bakery products from composite flour is famous and increase in the market because of economic and nutritional benefits. The world of bakery products market showed a growth rate of about 3.9% between 2001 and 2010. The sales volume of bread in the global market in 2006 was approximately 122m tons and in 2011, it increased to 125m tons. It is remarkable difference that bread proceeded to grow in the market despite ongoing economic uncertainty during these years.

Bakery products and derivatives have an important place in the food consumption all over the world i.e., Mostly in Kazakhstan and Turkey. Bread, pasta, bulgur, biscuits, cakes, and breakfast cereals are the most consumed composite flour industrial cereal products. Bakery products constitute 65% of the food industry in Turkey and about 80% in Kazakhstan.

This graph shows difference of using bread made from organic or composite flour. Organic and composite flour/bread is consumed mostly by students, scientific workers, others and businessmen/businesswomen. Organic flour and bread are consumed more in Kazakhstan than in Turkey, and composite flour is consumed more in Turkey than in Kazakhstan.


In the present, past and future, flour and bread have been an important part of our lives. The consumption of composite flour and bread had diminished, but again their consumption has restarted in the twenty-first century as healthy food option. In the time of globalization, a lot of consumers consume a composite flour product without knowing because all dietetic, healthy baked products, pasta and other baked products are prepared from mixed flours. But now people are more aware of its nutritional profile. These is difference in consumption, preferences, and judgments of different types of flour and bread. This difference is seen because of different income, age, and education levels. i.e., High low and Middle incomes countries. Researchers search new ways of nutrients that could be healthiest food in the future. The social communities should develop new social and economic arrangements for fulfilling this. i.e., The development of Composite technology. Composite flours show a good potential for use as a functional agent in bakery products. Utilization of such flours not only improves the nutritional status but also helps those suffering from degenerative diseases associated with today’s modern lifestyle. Still there is a need to find out the optimum levels of incorporation, functionality of ingredients and other related characteristics for better economic and nutritional benefits.

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