Thursday, June 15, 2023

Calibration of different Instruments

                                                Calibration of different Instruments

Calibration of pH meter:

  • ·       Calibrate the pH meter with buffer solution
  • ·       Check the pH electrode
  • ·       Examine the electrode for contamination or damage
  • ·       Flush the pH sensor with distilled water
  • ·       Dip the electrode in buffer solutions
  • ·       Get different pH values such as 3, 7 and 9
  • ·       Wash the pH sensor after every determination
  • ·       Now our pH meter is calibrated

Calibration of HPLC:

Calibration of HPLC depend on different parameters:

Flow rate accuracy:

  • ·       Prime all the solvents with water
  • ·       Set the flow rate 0.500 ml/m
  • ·       Wait for 15 minute to stabilize the system
  • ·       Stabilize the pressure
  • ·       Start the stop watch after inserting outlet tube into 10ml volumetric flask
  • ·       When the lower meniscus reaches 10ml on flask, stop the watch
  • ·       Record the elapsed time and check flow rate

System precision:

  • ·       Inject the blank
  • ·       Note the areas and retention time
  • ·       Calculate %RSD of retention time and peak areas

Wavelength accuracy:

  • ·       Create an instrument method with a wavelength in nm
  • ·       Inject the blank
  • ·       Note down the height and absorbance

Detector linearity:

  • ·       Inject the blank followed by detector linearity solutions
  • ·       Record the peak responses plot between concentration and peak response

Injector linearity:

  • ·       Inject 5 µl of mobile phase as an blank injection
  • ·       Inject different mobile phases
  • ·       Record the areas
  • ·       Plot a curve for volume injected Vs peak area

Gradient performance check:

  • ·       Add 5ml acetone to 1000ml of methanol.
  • ·       Connect the pump and detector inlet with union
  • ·       Set the detector wavelength at 254nm
  • ·       Set the gradients programme with flow rate such as A, B, C and D

Column oven temperature accuracy:

  • ·       Connect the column to detector
  • ·       Place the thermometer probe in column oven and set the column oven temperature at 40degree and wait to stabilize it
  • ·       Note the temperature
  • ·       Repeat it on different temperatures

Calibration of spectrophotometer:

  • ·       Warm up the spectrophotometer for 45 minutes.
  • ·       Select the wavelength to calibrate. 
  • ·       Depending on what type of filter you are, using will determine if you need a dedicated blank for the machine.  Either way, if you are standard came with a blank insert it at this time, if there is no blank leave the cuvette holder empty and close the lid.
  • ·       Zero the spectrophotometer so the display shows all zeros.
  • ·       Remove the blank (if you used one).
  • ·       Insert the NIST calibration standard and close the cover.
  • ·       Record the reading and compare it to the data on the certificate of calibration.
  • ·       If data will match then it will be done

Calibration of Viscometer:

  • ·       Ensure that instrument is ready for use.
  • ·       Calibrate the instrument by using different calibration standards solutions in 500ml beaker
  • ·       As per requirement, we need to select the spindle by pressing “S" key on display.
  • ·       Pressing “up or down" arrow keys on display while blinking
  • ·       Two type digits will change the value accordingly, “increase or decrease no. of spindle"
  • ·       We also need to select the speed of spindle as per requirement by pressing “Set Speed" key
  • ·       RPM speed also select as per requirement by pressing “up or down” keys
  • ·       Safely attach the selected spindle to the lower shaft
  • ·       Lift it slightly and holding it firmly with one hand while screwing the spindle on the other hand
  • ·       Put the test solution beaker below the spindle center and insert the spindle until the fluid level is at immersion groove in the spindle shaft middle of the “Spindle mark line"
  • ·       Press the motor key to “on or off" to run the test
  • ·       Allow the time to stabiles the reading.
  • ·       Record the stabilized reading in CPS unit in calibration log
  • ·       Press the key, “on or off" to stopping the test and putting “off" the instrument mains.
  • ·       Clean the spindle and instrument properly before and after use

Calibration of Hydrometer:

  • ·       We need to understand the basic principle of hydrometer is an instrument used to determine specific gravity
  • ·       It operates based on the Archimedes principle that a solid body displaces its own weight within a liquid in which it floats.
  • ·       Each hydrometer is cleaned by a thorough rinse with ethanol
  • ·       It is dried with a clean, paper towel before it is calibrated
  • ·       Hydrometer calibration by Cuckow’s method requires that the hydrometer be weighed in air
  • ·       And weighed while immersed to the selected scale marks in a liquid of known density

Calibration of Texture Analyzer

  • When we need to calibrate the analyzer must ensure that our texture analyzer should be on which button located in the left back corner
  • Turn on the computer
  • Before start testing, you need to first calibrate the instrument
  • To do this, attach the probe as you like and start calibration
  • From the calibration menu, select the calibration force
  • You need to use the calibration weight and then enter the calibration weight value into grams
  • When it's done, remove the weight
  • Next to calibration the height, you need to select the probe as you like
  • Run it till the probe touches platform and then back up
  • Texture analyzer is ready now for test

Calibration of Gas chromatography (GC):

  • Basically
  • ·       Some basic steps of gas chromatography first we need to switch the GC instrument
  • ·       And then open the gas cylinder after that
  • ·       Adjust pressure and then check the carrier gas flow rate
  • ·       The GC calibration ensure that the information of measured signal directly correspond to the bulk and specific properties 

Calibration of Refractometer:

  • ·       First, we need a calibration liquid we also use distilled water
  • ·       Place the plate in daylight then add 2 3 drops of calibration liquid
  • ·       Then we need to close the light and allow to calibrate liquid and spread around the prism with no dry spot then wait for a little bit
  • ·       After the wait sample reaches the temperature of the refractometer
  • ·       Calibrate the device using distilled water and ensure the refractometer surface should be dry and clean

Calibration of Flame photometer:

  • ·       We need to understand the basic principle of flame photometer like concentration ranges and light
  • ·       In flame photometer we just determine the concentration of certain solutions
  • ·       The most important part of calibrating the flame photometer is we have a point of reference for a reading then control the entire testing process include flame photometer, sample and operator


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