Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Benefits and SWOT analysis of soy milk


Soybean is used in the food and feed industry for the past few decades. In today’s world soymilk is used as an alternative to cow milk mostly in Asia. Soy milk is produced by soybeans, so it is called a plant-based drink it resembles dairy milk by forming a stable suspension containing protein, oil, and water. As with the increase in population, there will be a shortage of protein in the future so soybean and its products can be used to fulfill that deficiency at a lower cost. Soymilk is used by people who are lactose intolerant or vegetarian, Despite its nutritional profile is does not gain popularity because of its beany and astringent flavor so, to overcome this flavor defect manufacturer has offered the flavored soymilk.

Soymilk can be produced by machine or traditional kitchen tools. It has the same protein contents as dairy milk including 3.5% protein, 2.9% carbs, 0.5% ash, and 2% fats. Moreover, soymilk is also used in the manufacturing of other products i.e. Soy yogurt, Soy cream, and other baked goods.

Nutritional Facts:

One cup of soymilk holds the nutritional value:














Saturated fat:



Comparison with Regular Milk:

Soymilk is considered a high-quality source of protein obtained from soybean on the other hand dairy milk is obtained from an animal source.  Soymilk is a plant-based complete protein and regular milk is rich in nutrients. Regular milk has twice more fat as soymilk. Humans are consuming milk from childhood. With the increase of age, they lose the digestibility of lactose because of carbs present in milk this condition results in lactose intolerance so, soymilk is a healthy option for them as it does not cause bloating, diarrhea problems after drinking it. Technically soymilk is not just milk it is the remains of liquid obtained after processing of soybeans. Soymilk is rich in minerals i.e. iron, copper, manganese than a dose of regular milk. People choose to drink according to their personal preferences to meet health objectives.

                                       Benefits of Soymilk

It is an excellent substitute for cow milk providing many benefits.

·     Improve lipid profile:

Soymilk can improve the blood lipid profile it can be used by health concerned people as it reduces cholesterol. Studies have shown that regular intake of soymilk can reduce the LDL and increases the HDL levels in the blood which ultimately reduces the risk of heart diseases, there are more unsaturated fats in it, and on the other hand, cow milk is rich in saturated fats so soymilk is a better option in term of reducing cholesterol.  

·     Promote Weight loss:

It helps in reducing weight as it has lower sugary contents than cow milk. A cup of soymilk has only 80 Cal which is equal to skim milk.  Moreover, it is more in fiber which keeps you fuller for more time. So ultimately it helps weight loss.   

·     Alternate product:

It is considered a cheap alternate to dairy products. It contains no lactose so a good option for lactose intolerant one. Moreover, it is free of hormones as it is purely obtained from the plant source. So it gives you benefits at a cheaper price by fulfilling the protein deficiency as well.

·     Nutritional Profile:

It is rich in calcium and protein contents. It is healthy as it is lower in calories and contains all essential amino acids. A study has shown that it has the highest protein contents of all the other alternative milk options. Hence soymilk shows an overall nutrient balance.  

Strengthen Blood vessels:

Soy milk is rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids and its antioxidant properties can help in protecting blood vessels from damage by providing strength. Moreover, it avoids cholesterol deposits. Blood vessels become resilient to blood pressure changes.

·     Prevent Diseases:

One of the main benefits of drinking soymilk is that it helps in boosting your immune system as it forms powerful antibodies in the body which helps in preventing diseases. As it is rich in calcium so helps in reducing the risk of osteoporosis because it improves calcium absorption in the body. Soymilk has Phyto-antioxidants properties which will strengthen blood vessel integrity.

SWOT Analysis

Swot Analysis of every product is necessary as it gives a straightforward model through which the company can analyze the strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities of their product. So ultimately work on their weaknesses and improve them by creating a better marketing strategy.


  1. ·      Powerful substitute of cow milk
  2. ·      High nutritional value
  3. ·      The new and emerging concept
  4. ·      Promotes health and wellness
  5. ·      Good packaging


  1. ·      Unusual taste than normal milk
  2. ·      Fewer people preference
  3. ·      Considering it inferior in nutritional profile
  4. ·      Beany and astringent flavor
  5. ·      Less popularity


  1. ·      More advertising
  2. ·      Less competition because of less number of competitors
  3. ·      Easy promotion (currently less advertisement)
  4. ·      Make it a nutrient-rich drink
  5. ·      Engaging more health concern people


  1. ·      Competition in future
  2. ·      Availability of similar products
  3. ·      Weaker distribution network
  4. ·      Traditional Perception
  5. ·      Low purchasing power


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