Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Reasons behind losses of guava and their treatments

 Losses of Guava

Fresh guava keeps at room temperature for one or two days. After 4 days there is 6% weight loss of guava due to room temperature that start causing guava loss and spoilage will start from 5th day.

Loss due to Diseases:

There are two main diseases such as Algal leaf spot and fungal disease on guava. In algal leaf spot, there are orange color spots on leaves caused by algae due to humid conditions and when it become mature, its color will change into purple. They also attacked branches, stems and guava. In fungal disease, there are patches of dark color on the surface of guava caused by fungus due to wet weather.


For Algae control, use fertilization, Promote air circulation and irrigation. For fungal control, fungicides will be used.

Loss due to Insect pests:

Insect pests are major factor on the production loss of guava. Major insect pests are fruit fly, bark eater caterpillar, fruit borer, white fly and stem borer. Fruit fly cause infestation by laying egg on the surface of fruit that damage the skin and then damage the guava that cause guava loss. Guava losses due to fruit fly are 20-50% in different places but in Punjab 19-41%. Fruit borers cause infestation by laying eggs on the fruit and damage the skin and also damage the guava pulp and the guava infected by fungi and bacteria that cause unpleasant odor and excreta production in guava. Guava losses due to fruit borers are 11-14%. Whiteflies is also called sucking pests that cause infestation by sucking the sap of leaves and secrete the white sticky material which affect the overall appearance of guava plant. It weakens the plant and damage all the fruit. Guava losses due to whiteflies are 80% because of continuous infestation of whiteflies. Caterpillar cause infestation by eating the bark of tree which will die small trees. In large trees, it affects more when more bark is eaten by caterpillar. This causes the drying of branches and leaves which in term causes the fruit to fall down. Guava losses due to caterpillar are 40-50%.


Fruit fly control is very difficult because of high reproduction rate that’s why it can be minimize by insecticides. For fruit borer control, use insecticides and pesticides sprays and cover with polythene bags. For whiteflies control, neem oil and tobacco extract sprays are used. For caterpillar control, use insecticides and fungi such as Aspergillus candidus.

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